
July 31, 2024 4:54:00 PM (Today)

been a while i wrote something
i've been trying to get around to it but it just keeps slipping a way
i'm no writer so i'm not sure i could call that a writer's block

anyways i'm just going to give a quick update about what has been going on with me because why not lol

i've been doing a lot, way more than i used to, a lot of learning, a lot of gaming, a lot of working, it has been stressful and fun at the same time i really can't place it

some goals have been achieved, some new ones set, some have been procrastinated while others abandoned, i'm not there yet but i'm definitely not where i was i must say, i often wake up with the intense urge to "lock in" these days and i know i will get around to it, everything has just been moving so fast lately

faith in self - one hundred percent
personal wellbeing - bleh
overall status - alive and well

i apologise for making you read my rants but i will end here, next time i write, it will be something technical

till we meet again